Police Notices
Police Notices
Contact : Telephone : 101
Emergency : 999
Our local police contacts :
PCSO 5410 – Sarah Pilcher
email : sarah.pilcher@dorset.pnn.police.uk
PSV 4241 - Helen Johnston
Neighbourhood Engagement
Volunteer – Dorchester
Dorchester Police Station
Weymouth Avenue
Dorset DT1 1QZ
Dorchester NPT website address is: https://www.dorset.police.uk/neighbourhood-policing/dorchester/
Our Face Book Page address is: www.facebook.com/DorchesterPolice/
Our Twitter Page is: https://twitter.com/DorchesterPolice
Our Instagram Page is: https://www.instagram.com/dorchesterpolice/
Dorset Alert messaging system registration to receive messages is: https://www.dorsetalert.co.uk/pages/2451/1/Register.html
Contacting Dorset Police (non-emergency)
Do it Online: www.dorset.police.uk/do-it-online/
CONTACT US LINK: Contact us | Dorset Police
Telephone: 101 *(Calls to the 101 non-emergency number from both landlines and mobiles are free)
Message an officer: www.dorset.police.uk/do-it-online/message-an-officer/
To report information to the police with 100% anonymity, contact the independent charity Crimestoppers online at www.crimestoppers-uk.org or call Freephone 0800 555 111
Below is a breakdown of crimes that have occurred and been reported in our areas during the last month
(updated 1st October 2024)
Winterbourne Steepleton :
No reports
Winterbourne Abbas :
No reports.
N.B. Any crimes of a sensitive nature have not been included in this report, e.g. crimes of a personal nature or any crimes which may identify individuals etc.
We continue to patrol all areas and are utilising social media to keep members of the public appraised of our actions.
Dorchester NPT website address is: https://www.dorset.police.uk/neighbourhood-policing/dorchester/
Our Face Book Page address is: www.facebook.com/DorchesterPolice/
Our Twitter Page is: https://twitter.com/DorchesterPolice
Our Instagram Page is: https://www.instagram.com/dorchesterpolice/
Dorset Alert messaging system registration to receive messages is: https://www.dorsetalert.co.uk/pages/2451/1/Register.html
Contacting Dorset Police (non-emergency)
Do it Online: www.dorset.police.uk/do-it-online/
Email: 101@dorset.pnn.police.uk
Telephone: 101 *(Calls to the 101 non-emergency number from both landlines and mobiles are free)
Message an officer: www.dorset.police.uk/do-it-online/message-an-officer/
To report information to the police with 100% anonymity, contact the independent charity Crimestoppers online at www.crimestoppers-uk.org or call Freephone 0800 555 111
Importance of Reporting
Please can it be circulated that all suspicious activity & incidents are reported to the police.
The highlighted section at the top of this report provides the various ways this can be done.
I appreciate that people think that they don’t want to “bother” the police or “nothing will be done anyway”. However, as I mentioned when speaking to people face to face the reports enable resources to be allocated accordingly and if nothing gets reported nothing can be done.
Sometimes lines of enquiry are limited but all reports can be used to “build a picture” of activity in the area and the smallest report may lead to a crime being solved or prevented.