Flooding & Sandbags

Flooding : 

Both villages are in a designated flood risk area. The Parish Council supported the formation of  a local community flood group (SWCFAG - see below) in 2013 and most importantly since 2014, have funded the annual clearing of the South Winterbourne watercourse in Winterbourne Steepleton (it was re-classified as such in 2012 and is managed by Dorset Council rather than the Environment Agency) . This clearing has now been completed on 2nd November 2023. 

The Parish Council has also constantly lobbied National Highways to clear the watercourse in Winterbourne Abbas with varying degrees of success. However, a firm undertaking has been given in September 2023 and the parish council will chase this as required.

The flood group's website is still maintained with useful information and guidance but the group no longer undertakes volunteer sessions. Please use the links below for details and other flood guidance.

Sandbags :

Although, we hope that these will not be used, local bulk storage sites have been set up in each village in conjunction with Dorset Council as shown below :  

They are monitored and replenished as required.

Winterbourne Steepleton Location :

To right hand side of the large cattle shed in Yuill Farms yard off the dairy access road. (50 No). Not immediately visible from gateway.

Winterbourne Abbas Location :

In Manor Farm opposite the school. Enter the yard from the main road and turn sharp right - the store is in the open machinery shed on your right adjacent to the road boundary wall. (100 No)

Please note :

On each site, the sandbags are on pallets & sheeted over. Please take only what you need - think of others and help your neighbours where possible. Please tie down sheets again and also send an e mail to the Parish Council if stocks are low with date and number taken to assist us in monitoring stock levels.

In the unlikely event of all bags being taken, Dorset Council's Partnership may be able to deliver more.

Contact on Tel 01305 252479.       Dorsetforyou link :

Flood Signs :

In January 2016, Dorset Council provided flood road signs for Winterbourne Steepleton for volunteers to place when required. We are not allowed to place signs in Winterbourne Abbas because the A35 is a major highway.

The locations have been agreed with the DCC Highways Department as follows :

Steepleton - (east approach) - sign stored behind bushes on grass area of Manor Care Home (adj to Old Manor Cottage). Sign to be erected on this grass area about 5 metres form entrance to care Home.

Steepleton - (west approach) - sign stored by Arthur Westlake (Pound Cottage). Sign to be erected on grass area bordering road at the side of his garage wall.

The South Winterbourne Community Flood Action Group (SWCFAG) was formed in 2013. 

NB : Martinstown Parish Council now manages all flood related issues etc within their parish

Please use the link to the SWCFAG website for full details :  


For the current EA flood warnings please use this link


You can sign up here to receive flood warnings :


The group was formed in 2013 and via the Parish Council started the annual clearing of the South Winterbourne stream through Steepleton village. We have not suffered any significant flooding of properties in the villages since July 2012 and it is hoped that this will continue to be case in the future. There are detailed drawings of the surface water drainage in both villages on the SWCFAG website.

Some important points :

a) The South Winterbourne stream has a staggering catchment area and is the only way that surface water can run from the valley to the River Frome east of Dorchester.

b) Much of the stream / watercourse runs within quite restrictive manmade banks & walls. There are also many small bridges to private properties etc that for the most part are far too low and narrow. Recently built bridges have been far greater flow capacities and better clearances above water levels.

c) Unfortunately, the water flowing down from the source west of Abbas has high levels of nitrates. Wessex Water had to cease extracting water from their borehole in the valley for this reason. Steps are being taken by EA and the farming community to deal with this problem but it is likely to take some years to remedy.

c) Due to these nitrate levels, there is accelerated growth of the vegetation within the stream. This can naturally severely restrict water flow and tends to gather more debris. With heavy rainfall, these restrictions cause overflowing of the banks and flooding

d) There are a number of former water meadows and farming land that the stream runs through in the valley and these assist in times of serious water flows by allowing some flooding and greater water capacity.

We have proved that simple and careful removal of the majority of this vegetation on an annual basis allows the stream to cope with the flows generated. This in turn has prevented serious flooding since 2012.

However, climate change and changing weather patterns will present more challenges in the future and this clearing will become ever more important. Mother Nature will always have the upper hand !

October 2023 : The South Winterbourne through the village of Steepleton has been cleared as usual ready for the winter period. 

The Parish Council has been chasing an undertaking given last year from National Highways (formerly Highways England) (A35 operators)  to clear the watercourse through Winterbourne Abbas. 

All their highway drainage runs into it. They have given undertakings in previous years but have never carried this out ! The parish council will continue to chase them on this matter. In past years, local volunteers have cleared the watercource manually. A recent communication (October 2023) from them indicates that this will be carried soon - watch this space !  

Here's a link to a guide for preparing for and protecting property from flooding from Gocompare 


There is more advice and guidance on the SWCFAG website (see link above)

Good afternoon,

Following the widespread effects of Storm Ciarán both on the coast and inland, we would like to stress the importance of reporting flooding. If your home or business has flooded, please make sure you report it as soon as you are able to. There are lots of reasons why you should report flooding, most importantly so authorities and agencies can respond to close roads, unblock gullies, and provide an emergency response if required.

While we do have a significant number of staff out on the ground, due to the scale of the event we are unable to cover all areas. We are seeking to build a comprehensive picture of impacts across Wessex so we would be very grateful if you could provide any available information regarding flooding in your area with as much detail as possible on timing and location. Please report online using the Flood Online Reporting Tool or you can respond directly to this email address with any photo or video attachments. You can also contact the Environment Agency Incident Hotline on 0800 80 70 60. In an emergency please dial 999.


Useful information includes:


Find out more Blog: The Importance of Reporting Flooding | The Flood Hub

 Our advice to the public is to:


Many thanks,


Intelligence and Reporting

Flood and Coastal Risk Management | Wessex

Environment Agency | Rivers House, East Quay, Bridgwater, TA6 4YS
