Defibrillator & Bleed Kit

Defibrillator : In December 2022, the National Grid (VIP project - pylon removal) donated a defibrillator to the Parish Council. We have been permitted to site this at the Winterbourne Abbas Filling Station/Garage. We thank the mfg motor fuel group for their assistance and permission.

A new new battery and pads have now been installed (after a supply delay) and the unit became operational in late May 2023. It is registered on "the circuit" - national database and is accessible for the emergency services should they need to use it. 

 The Parish Council will maintain and insure this unit - it will be available 24/7.

We are very grateful to the National Grid and their contractor Morgan Sindall for their generous donation and training session .

The unit is a battery powered Powerheart Automated External Defibrillator G3 Plus 9390A - it is registered with the "the circuit" so that it is accessible via on line searches and to the emergency services.

The unit became operational in late May 2023. It is located to the right hand side of the shop entrance door adjacent to the Amazon "pick up" point. 

Bleed Kit - In June 2024, we purchased a Heart Safe Stand Alone Model 2 Bleed Kit. We have installed this next to the above defibrillator at the Winterbourne Abbas Garage / Filling station.

This kit has 2 No Trauma Dressings  (expire 31/12/2027)

2 No Haemostatic dressings (10x10) (expire 30/9/2026)

(Ref 000849)

This kit is for use in an emergency by the public or emergency services to stem serious bleeding until paramedics arrive.